Mood Board

MoodBoards – get inspired by trendy colors and textures

Mood Boards are the best way to start a project and a great one to get inspired! Usually trendy, give a tiny glimpse of what the project can actually become after start rolling. Perhaps, you can use it only as a guide mood for colors and textures. Well, we get delighted by scrolling some Mood Boards. Today, we will share them here!

See also: Home Decor Trends about to emerge in 2020
1. Eclectic Clutter – Mood Boards

Eclectic Clutter shows us different environments coordinating so well with natural elements. Natural appeals to fresh and well-being; luxury brands are making a wonderful approach to this trend.

Eclectic Clutter Mood Boards
Eclectic Clutter
Alice Suspension Lamp

alice suspension lamp

get the price
2. Floral Twist – Mood Boards

Floral is the new black and come into this season to stay for a long time, apparently. Get in touch with colorful and vibrant themes with so many alternative textures; made to give some 3D perspective to these pieces. That is an awesome way to recreate rugs and softgoods.


Floral Twist – Mood Boards
floral twist
Savana Rug
savana rug
get the price


3. Fauna & Flora – Mood Boards

Nature-based Mood Boards are a must-see right now. Everyone is looking for a fresher and natural ambiance to delight their senses! Embroidered animals and elements; patterns for rugs and soft goods; different colors and textures. Blue and green in the center of the master tons. Give a big welcome to neutral earth tons as well.

Fauna & Flora Mood Boards
fauna and flora


Soleil Green 
soleil green

You can always find here some inspiration, hope you liked the Mood Boards theme, because we will come to it shortly. We usually use it to start new projects or when we have a lack of inspiration; it has been really helpful every time we are in a paralyzing situation and we are not able to get through.

We try to be inspired by others or create our own Mood Boards.

It works so well we wanted to share that with you. Get in touch and let us know what you think! Also, if do some of your own please share them with us, it would be amazing.


Like what you have read? So, dive into this theme and drop a comment or share your thoughts with us.

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Maya Armchair Upholstery BRABBU


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